School Administration / Staff Assignments
We have configured our 2017- 2018 school year with staffing resources as follows:
ECS - Sara Yazdani - This is a shared position with Lakedell School to create a full time position.
Grade 1 - Miss. Nichole Cartier
Grade 2/3 - Mrs. Danielle Romaine
Grade 3/4 - Miss. Dannette Cartier
Grade 4/5- Ms. Cheryl Meyer
Grade 5/6 - Mr Devan Nychka
Principal Mr. Kristien Holtby
LST/LC Ms. Michele Ruff (all grades all students)
Admin Assistant Mrs. Michelle Zarantenello
Custodian Mrs. Rose Jowsey
Education Assistants Mrs. Cathy Dansereau, Mrs. Holly Schnell,
Miss. Hilary Fairbridge, Mrs. Jeanet DeBoer, Mrs. Quinlan
Family School Liaison Worker- Mrs. Kandice Wynia
Maskwacis Wahkotowin Liaison – Mrs. Dawn Coyote